
Incremental Tutorials #1: The Bootable Program

I grew up with my dad’s Amiga 2000. It was a brilliant machine that I desperately wanted to understand. The path was daunting, with countless steps and milestones along the way.

Although I did learn a lot, there were some I didn't manage. I kept circling back to one particular goal. The bootable disk. This was something the PC couldn't manage, and that for me somehow encapsulated what it meant to use the Amiga.

It's exactly what the name suggests. You place a floppy in the diskdrive, it loads, and then the game starts. I wanted to make such a disk. It was magic to me, the province of mighty game coders, and I was a kid dreaming the dreams of Icarus. I never did succeed, not back then. But as it turns out, it’s never too late to start.

Programs on the Amiga usually came in one of two categories. Either the program was meant to be used under Workbench (generally, that meant it was a utility), or it was designed to boot from floppy and would immediately kill the system in order to maximize those resources for running the program (this was usually the case for games). We will probably go into how to do that as a later refinement, but it all starts with this first lesson, which is booting from floppy.

Well, turns out it's not a difficult process. To that end, I’m making this our first incremental tutorial. It has but one, simple goal: to let you create a bootable disk containing a typical game or utility for the Amiga 2000.

This tutorial will be simple and rough. It will not be optimized in any significant way. The idea is to master the basic technique first, before we return and refine what we have into something smaller and punchier.

First iteration: the floppy that boots


This will be the first tutorial. The intended end result is a disk that will boot into an already existing program. This requires

  • adding a boot-block to the disk,
  • adding a program for us to boot, and
  • writing a suitable start-up sequence.

This is a reasonably straightforward task. I will stress that I'm assuming you use an emulated machine, as logistical issues of running on real hardware (like transferring ADFs to floppies, etc) won't be part of this tutorial.

Step One - adding a boot-block

All bootable disks start with a blank floppy. If you're using physical media, that's any old floppy disk you have lying around whose contents don't matter to you. If using an emulator, create a disk image such as an ADF file (UAE has a button for this).

Now, the next thing you do is boot your Workbench system disk (version doesn't matter). Once WB finishes loading, open a CLI window, and start typing.

format drive df0: name Lesson1_1

What follows is a prompt to format the disk, so pop out the Workbench disk. Insert the empty disk (making sure it's not write-protected), and hit return. Formatting will, unsurprisingly, wipe the disk, erasing all its data and leaving it blank. Next, we want to ensure the disk boots when you insert it into Df0: on startup. After the drive's settled, type:

install df0:

You'll be asked to swap the disks, but the program itself takes no appreciable time to run. That's basically it; you now have a disk that autoboots. Go ahead and try it by pressing CTRL+Amiga+Amiga. Once you're done, boot back into Workbench.

Step Two - adding a program

The idea here is to start a piece of code that doesn't need running under Workbench. My rationale for that is the fact that bootable disks often avoided using things they didn't need. In other words, we don't want to tie ourselves to having a running Workbench process. Following this stripped-down ethos, we want a dead simply program, one that doesn't use extra libs or indeed more than one executable. It seems pleasingly symmetric to use Pong for this, so we will: this PD version of Pong by Claudio Buraglio from 1991 satisfies all the conditions.

If you're running an emulated Amiga, transferring the binary is just a matter of loading the ADF like any disk. A real Amiga makes it a bit harder: I would recommend the PCMCIA to Compact Flash solution, a Gotek drive, or (if you're feeling old-school) a null-modem cable. Transferring it to a real machine can be nontrivial, but, again, beyond the scope of this tutorial.

Next, copy the Pong file to the disk.

Step Three - adding the startup-sequence

The final step is eminently simple. Create a folder named "s" on the Lesson1_1 disk. Whenever a disk boots, AmigaDOS checks the folder named "s" to see if it contains a file called "startup-sequence". As it's empty at present, we need to create that file.

Open a new CLI window. Type the following (assuming the disk is in df0:):

ed df0:s/startup-sequence

This should create a startup-sequence file. Type


, then an asterisk, then confirm by pressing Y. This will save the new startup-sequence.

Congratulations: you have an autobootable disk.


We now have a disk that will autoboot and run an existing program. It's still a systems-friendly program, and can be run under Workbench. The common OS startup routines are still in place. But we can boot.

If you're anything like me, you may be underwhelmed at this point. "What? It's that easy?"

On the one hand... yes, yes it is. On the other, though, 'easy' was really the point of this exercise. Every journey has to begin by one single step.


Incremental Tutorials

This blog has lain silent for a while. I’ve been busy with real life, because real life must take precedence when you have work and children to consider. The main reason, though, was that I just couldn’t decide on how to finish the tutorial. The bar for learning graphics programming seemed just too high (because of course, I’d resolved not to resort to AMOS, which would have made it trivial). No book I read on the subject seemed to truly have what I needed, or to fit my setup, or be low-level enough for what I had in mind.

So there I sat, wondering why I couldn’t make headway. I felt stupid. I questioned if I was even smart enough to begin to understand the subject, let alone write about it authoritatively.

Eventually, I realized that the problem wasn’t intelligence or understanding, but that the underlying logic behind my tutorials was lacking. So I decided to change my approach. My original format was that of the typical tutorial: “this is what you want to do, here’s how you set things up, these are the steps you must take, and you’re done.” When written well, that gives you a good solution for achieving the goal at hand.

On reflection, I wanted something different. The standard tutorial is sequential. I don’t really want that: what I really want to do is to describe a creative process, and that process (at least for me) is not sequential but iterative.

Enter the incremental tutorial. Each tutorial consists of a number of self-contained posts. For each post, we add or modify one piece of functionality, while producing a valid product that does something. That means that each tutorial will have few steps, be of manageable simplicity, and that there will always be a checkpoint close at hand to retreat to, should anything go wrong.

I think this is a promising concept. It remains to be seen whether it's enough to take it all the way.